Holy Day Masses are held at 9:00 AM and 5:30 PM.
Mass offerings for Masses already scheduled may be placed in the collection basket. Please enclose your offering in an envelope and indicate for whom the Mass is offered.
Please include your name.
Weekly Mass Intentions are published in the bulletin.
We have Communion Ministers who visit parishioners who are unable to attend church.
Please let us know if someone you know is homebound or recovering from illness and would like to receive the Eucharist.
Please call: Mary Sullivan at 508-853-5787
Daily Morning Mass will be cancelled in the case of inclement weather when Worcester schools have delays or cancellations.
On these snowy mornings, the church parking lot may either be in the process of being plowed or, at times, not even plowed out as yet. Vehicles coming into and out of the parking areas make the plowing more difficult. We also do not want people driving or walking to church in hazardous weather conditions.
During the colder months (late fall through winter), daily morning Mass on both Mondays and Thursdays will be held downstairs on the chuch hall stage, in an effort to keep heating costs down. However, Friday Morning Mass will always be held in the church.